One of the first things worth talking about is how your content is used in your game. With the XNA Framework Content Pipeline, your content is managed inside Visual C# Express. So just as you would add code files today, you'll add your content as well. This helps keep things together and lets you organize your entire game in one solution, with any number of projects you want. You'll be able to set actions for your content such as what Importer and Processor to use. (More on those in a bit!)


        第一個值得我們討論的是,Content如何在你的遊戲中被使用。儘管有XNA Framework Content Pipeline,你的Content還是在Visual C# Express中被處理。所以,當你今天要增加Code文件時,你也將增加你的內容。這幫助保持東西在一起,並且使用一種方法,讓你組織你的整個遊戲,其具備了為數眾多你所需要的專案。為了你的內容,你將能夠去設定動作,例如什麼樣的importer以及使用的處理程序。(在一個bit中做更多)

Many different components make up the XNA Framework Content Pipeline. For each component we discuss, I've called out its name. Becoming familiar with these terms will help you better comprehend the XNA Framework Content Pipeline.

        許多不同的元件組合成XNA Framework Content Pipeline。對於每個我們所討論的元件,我已經談過它們的名字了。熟悉這些術語將幫助你更好領會XNA Framework Content Pipeline。

When you first add your content, you need to pick an importer. An importer is responsible for taking data and normalizing it. This means you don't have to worry about, for example, what direction your content is facing or which way is up in your content creation tool. The importer takes the files you've saved or exported from your content creation tools and imports them into Visual C# Express. The reason for this will become clear as you read about the rest of the system, but I want to point out that we're more concerned about the data in the file. In other words, we’re not as tied to which content creation tool that data came from.

        當你第一次增加你的Content,你需要選擇一個importer。Importer 必須負責採取資料與正常化。這意味著你不需要擔憂,例如你的Content面對的是甚麼方向,或者什麼方法是在你的Content創造工具之上。Importer執行那些你已經存好的資料,或者從你的Content創造工具輸出並且輸入至Visual C# Express。這樣做的理由是你在閱讀關於系統的有生之年時後會變得比較清楚。但是,我要指出我們更關注於在文件中的資料。換句話說,我們並不as tied to 哪個資料來源的Content創造工具。

So what importers exist for V1 of XNA Game Studio Express? Take a look at this handy chart.


        所以,什麼樣的importers 會為了V1的XNA Game Studio Express生存?(譯注:我實在看不懂這句話的意思)仔細看這個便利的圖表。


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